السبت، 7 مايو 2011

methods of identifying and analysing loss exposures

an unrecognised loss exposure cannot be effectively managed .a number of consequences follow from this fact.
identifying and analyzing loss exposures is the first, and arguably the most important, step in the risk management process.
exposure identification and analysis must be on going.
because no individual risk management  professional personally can observe all losses, he must at least partially rely on others to detect and report loss exposures.

identify hazards

in today' world everyone should know to manage risk . Being able to idetify ,examine and manage property and /or liability loss exposures in a way to meet personal or business needs and objectives.doing so can help businesses protect themselves against negative financial effects .

risk management is the heart and soul of project management. failing to practice it right can have fatal consequences on projects and programmes .doing real efforts in planning stage can save the entire investment and will increase the likelihood of project success.